At the end of every year I make a list of things I am hoping to accomplish during the new year. A new start. A time where I can start fresh- and actually get things done. Instead of looking back and feeling guilty for what I did not get done. A time where I can get my priorities straight and get things done. Be proactive.
And this year is no different.
Wait, it is different. This year, instead of like years past, I am actually going to get things done. I am not going to make the list- and let it collect dust. And then at the end of said year, look back at what I didn't accomplish and feel guilty [it's such a viscous cycle].
This year, I am going to do it. Make a list of things I can actually accomplish, and get them done [correction: git er done].
And high on that list- is keeping up with my blog. I will start with a couple of days a week- and hopefully will get into a routine- where I blog 5-6 out of 7 days. I think I can do it [ I can do it- not I think].
Writing used to be such a passion of mine- and I let that go by the wayside when I had kids- and got a life outside of myself. My time to write will be mine. And I will not let that go. Not this year.
I am going balls to the wall this year. 2011 better be ready for me. I am not going to let the past get me down. I am shedding the past [just like the pounds I'm hoping to shed]. 2011- is going to bring a new me. 26. Mature. Driven. Goal-oriented. Family-focused. I am going to do it [bring it on].
Happy New Year to all of you. Hope you are blessed with patience, prosperity, love and lots of smiles and laughter. The only way it can be a good year, is if you make it that way.
Faithfully Ever After- Kelly
Friday, December 31, 2010
Saturday, September 4, 2010
"Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, he who seeks finds and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7: 7-9
So I got a new car. Okay, when I say new, I truly mean, new to me. Traded in my van for a 2004 Grand Prix GTP. I had a Grand Prix last year- but Travis got into a car accident last July and it was totaled. I loved that car. There was just something about it. After the car got totaled, we got the van as a replacement. I'm not saying that I didn't like the van- it served its purpose, but my heart was always set on a car. I've been shopping in my mind for a new car since I got it. Well, there was this car. Name her Peaches if you will. And she stole my heart. She's maroon, like Stella (my old one). She's a Grand Prix, like Stella. And she's beautiful like Stella. And she's m i n e!
So- why is this titled jealous? Because I'm tired of people assuming things about me. I'm tired of people thinking that I don't struggle like everyone else? Oh but I do. Struggle a lot. But let me tell you. I work for what I have. I struggle for what I have. But on top of all of that, I pray for what I want. I ask- I seek- I knock. And sometimes I receive. Other times I don't. Sometimes the door is opened- and other times it isn't. Sometimes I find what I am looking for- and other times it's hidden far away. But the point is- I ask. And I pray- hard. I am disappointed when I don't get what I think I should. And rejoice when blessings come my way. I love the relationship I have with God and can't wait to see the blessings that He has in store for me down the road. Ask. Seek. Knock. And have faith that He knows what is the best thing for you. When He says no, that may be because something greater will happen, or that it wasn't the best thing for you at the time. If you just put it all in His hands, then you can be guaranteed that the best things in you life will happen. But you have to first put it in His hands, then leave it there.
(And don't be jealous- just ask for your own blessings)
Faithfully Ever After- Kelly
So I got a new car. Okay, when I say new, I truly mean, new to me. Traded in my van for a 2004 Grand Prix GTP. I had a Grand Prix last year- but Travis got into a car accident last July and it was totaled. I loved that car. There was just something about it. After the car got totaled, we got the van as a replacement. I'm not saying that I didn't like the van- it served its purpose, but my heart was always set on a car. I've been shopping in my mind for a new car since I got it. Well, there was this car. Name her Peaches if you will. And she stole my heart. She's maroon, like Stella (my old one). She's a Grand Prix, like Stella. And she's beautiful like Stella. And she's m i n e!
So- why is this titled jealous? Because I'm tired of people assuming things about me. I'm tired of people thinking that I don't struggle like everyone else? Oh but I do. Struggle a lot. But let me tell you. I work for what I have. I struggle for what I have. But on top of all of that, I pray for what I want. I ask- I seek- I knock. And sometimes I receive. Other times I don't. Sometimes the door is opened- and other times it isn't. Sometimes I find what I am looking for- and other times it's hidden far away. But the point is- I ask. And I pray- hard. I am disappointed when I don't get what I think I should. And rejoice when blessings come my way. I love the relationship I have with God and can't wait to see the blessings that He has in store for me down the road. Ask. Seek. Knock. And have faith that He knows what is the best thing for you. When He says no, that may be because something greater will happen, or that it wasn't the best thing for you at the time. If you just put it all in His hands, then you can be guaranteed that the best things in you life will happen. But you have to first put it in His hands, then leave it there.
(And don't be jealous- just ask for your own blessings)
Faithfully Ever After- Kelly
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Peace in the Middle of Chaos
So I was driving home from work Wednesday- looking for my favorite radio station K-Love. It's a great listener supported Christian radio station that I have just fallen in love with. They play the best music, and the DJs are great too! Any-who, the tower for K-Love is in Lexington which means that the reception in Louisville is horrible- very full of static and hard to understand anything. And sometimes, I would hear another radio station that's signal was stronger then K-Loves. Finally- the closer to home I got, the better the signal was, and I got to finally hear my fabulous K-Love!
As I was driving- listening to the static- and the random stations that would drift in and out, I got to thinking. How much like life that really was. We have static. We have conflicting messages coming in and out of our lives. Do this and don't do that. Eat this- don't eat that. It seems that the more we hear- the more like static our lives become. And we become blind to it. We just tune out and stop listening. Until- finally, through that static comes a loud voice. Strong. Calm. Soothing. Jesus. He comes and speaks to us. Calms the static in our lives. The peace in the middle of chaos. He keeps us still, when we want to be running free. He keeps us sane- when we want to be crazy. It is so comforting to know that when we need someone to talk to, that He's there with no questions or any judgements. He's the one we can turn over all of our worries to- and know that our needs will be taken care of. He is the "Great I am" and He's awesome.
"Thank you God for being that calm in our lives. Thank you for speaking to us through all of the static. And making your voice loud and clear. Keep speaking to us when even when we don't want to listen. You are so amazing!"
Faithfully Ever After- Kelly
As I was driving- listening to the static- and the random stations that would drift in and out, I got to thinking. How much like life that really was. We have static. We have conflicting messages coming in and out of our lives. Do this and don't do that. Eat this- don't eat that. It seems that the more we hear- the more like static our lives become. And we become blind to it. We just tune out and stop listening. Until- finally, through that static comes a loud voice. Strong. Calm. Soothing. Jesus. He comes and speaks to us. Calms the static in our lives. The peace in the middle of chaos. He keeps us still, when we want to be running free. He keeps us sane- when we want to be crazy. It is so comforting to know that when we need someone to talk to, that He's there with no questions or any judgements. He's the one we can turn over all of our worries to- and know that our needs will be taken care of. He is the "Great I am" and He's awesome.
"Thank you God for being that calm in our lives. Thank you for speaking to us through all of the static. And making your voice loud and clear. Keep speaking to us when even when we don't want to listen. You are so amazing!"
Faithfully Ever After- Kelly
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Pink, Sparkly Fingernails
So last night, after making-eating-and cleaning up dinner with my 2 kiddos- Micah and Caleb (5 and 2 respectively), I decided, why not paint Micah's nails? She is very much a girly girl. Pink room. Hannah Montana. Jewelry. Dresses. She is me- in mini form. While I don't mind a romp in the mud (just don't get it in my hair!), I really love all things girl. Pink is my favorite color. I love getting my nails done. I count down the days until my next hair appointment. Makeup makes me feel complete- and it seems that I have passed that down to my princess, which just excites me to no end. Now I have someone to shop with- and go and get pedicures with. Someone to buy jewelry for and oooh and ahh over purses with. Ahhh- I've been so blessed. So truly blessed, because I have this amazing little girly girl . Painting her nails last night made me realize how truly lucky I am- that I have someone I can share so much with. Pink. Sparkly. Just like Mommy's. She just beamed from ear to ear after I got done. And hugged my neck "Thanks Mommy".

This is a big challenge for me at times. I find myself saying things that I would be horrified if my children repeated. I find myself getting angry at the people in front of me in traffic, when I could just be calm and patient. I find myself yelling when I get frustrated. That's a big one. It took a lot of soul searching and praying to realize- that the reason why my children yell so much at me- is because I do a lot of yelling! I'm telling you- God has truly smacked me over the head in the last few weeks about my behavior in front of my children. I'm not a bad parent- there are just a lot of things that I need to work on. Such as- be more involved in my church. Stop talking the talk- and actually walking the walk. Staying calm- when under pressure. Praying more- in front of my children. Reading my Bible more. Saying kinder words to people. Giving back more to my community. My children are going to do what I do- not as I say (well sometimes, they'll pick that up too!) and I want them to be productive, God fearing/loving members of society- but first I need to be that person.
Just like my Daddy- God the Father- so that I can be proud when my children say- Just like my Mommy.
Faithfully Ever After- Kelly
Monday, August 30, 2010
Set Apart
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart, I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5
God spoke these words to Jeremiah when he was but only a child. He gave Jeremiah the words to speak and showed Jeremiah the people to talk to. God appointed Jeremiah. God knew Jeremiah before he was even born. HOW AMAZING! How amazing that God knew us before we were even born. Before we were even formed. He knew us in and out. The number of hairs on our head. The color of our eyes. The color of our skin- and most importantly- our heart. He wanted us before we had even thought of needing Him. That's amazing to me- that He wants me, and that He's wanted me forever.
God has set us apart, just like He did Jeremiah. He has a great plan for each and every one of us. A story line. A path for us to walk. How amazing. That He cares so much for us, that He has a plan. We should live every day in just that way. Set apart. Walking, talking and living like He wants us to. We should be the one that is set apart- the one that gives when others don't want to. The one that stands when everyone else is sitting. The one that He has made us to be. Just open your heart, your eyesm your ears and your mind (and close your lips) and hear what God has to say to us. What plans He has set before us. Then buckle up and enjoy the ride- because you are His chosen one. Set apart.
Thank you Lord for setting us apart. For having a plan for each and every one of us. For forming us in your image, and wanting us as much as we need you. Thank you Lord for loving us even when we don't want to love you and being patient, much as a mother is with her child. Watch over us this week, and open our eyes, ears, and heart to hear and see You and Your plan. Amen.
Faithfully Ever After- Kelly
God spoke these words to Jeremiah when he was but only a child. He gave Jeremiah the words to speak and showed Jeremiah the people to talk to. God appointed Jeremiah. God knew Jeremiah before he was even born. HOW AMAZING! How amazing that God knew us before we were even born. Before we were even formed. He knew us in and out. The number of hairs on our head. The color of our eyes. The color of our skin- and most importantly- our heart. He wanted us before we had even thought of needing Him. That's amazing to me- that He wants me, and that He's wanted me forever.
God has set us apart, just like He did Jeremiah. He has a great plan for each and every one of us. A story line. A path for us to walk. How amazing. That He cares so much for us, that He has a plan. We should live every day in just that way. Set apart. Walking, talking and living like He wants us to. We should be the one that is set apart- the one that gives when others don't want to. The one that stands when everyone else is sitting. The one that He has made us to be. Just open your heart, your eyesm your ears and your mind (and close your lips) and hear what God has to say to us. What plans He has set before us. Then buckle up and enjoy the ride- because you are His chosen one. Set apart.
Thank you Lord for setting us apart. For having a plan for each and every one of us. For forming us in your image, and wanting us as much as we need you. Thank you Lord for loving us even when we don't want to love you and being patient, much as a mother is with her child. Watch over us this week, and open our eyes, ears, and heart to hear and see You and Your plan. Amen.
Faithfully Ever After- Kelly
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
I can't take full credit for this topic of choice for the day. I actually read it on another blog that I found ( - but decided that it was a good topic and wanted to put my spin on it.
Too many times in life are we common. We don't want to create a problem so we keep our mouths shut. We don't want to be different, so we walk away. We don't want to be labeled, so we don't let our true selves shine. But you know what- I'm tired of living that way! I don't want to be common any longer. Let me be labeled. Let me be the loud mouth in the front row. Let me be that Christian woman. The one that doesn't do wild and crazy things. Let me be different. Let me be uncommon.
I'm not afaid of my faith I will tell anyone that I'm a proud Chrisitan and think that God is awesome. I'm not afraid to pray before meals in public. And I'm not afraid to tell people about my life with Him. I just pray that I can pass that strength in my faith to my children, especially Micah. As a girl she has an uphill battle to deal with in the first place. Society places a lot of stigmas and rules on little girls. She can't be- because she's a girl. She can't like- because she's a girl. She can't say- because she's a girl. But I refuse to have her live life in that way. She CAN, do anything. Anything in this world.
I pray that my daughter grows up to be a strong, faithful and passionate person. I pray that she remembers that she is beautiful- inside and out, no matter what anyone tells her. That, the only opinion in this world that matters is the opinion of God. And that as long as she delights Him, then that's all that matters. No one else matters when it comes to that. I pray that she decides to step out of the mold. Be smart. And don't be afraid to show it. Be daring. Be courageous. I pray that she keeps herself pure until the day that she is married, that no one pressures her to do otherwise. And above all of that, I pray that she follows Him as closely as she can, and not be afraid to share her love for Him with others.
Above all of that, I pray that I can guide her the best way I know how. I pray that I continue to be strong and a great example to her. I pray that the Lord continues to give me the wisdom to be a great mother and role model- and down the road- her friend. I pray that I'm not afraid to show Micah that it's okay to be uncommon. And that she chooses to be too.
Faithfully Ever After- Kelly
Too many times in life are we common. We don't want to create a problem so we keep our mouths shut. We don't want to be different, so we walk away. We don't want to be labeled, so we don't let our true selves shine. But you know what- I'm tired of living that way! I don't want to be common any longer. Let me be labeled. Let me be the loud mouth in the front row. Let me be that Christian woman. The one that doesn't do wild and crazy things. Let me be different. Let me be uncommon.
I'm not afaid of my faith I will tell anyone that I'm a proud Chrisitan and think that God is awesome. I'm not afraid to pray before meals in public. And I'm not afraid to tell people about my life with Him. I just pray that I can pass that strength in my faith to my children, especially Micah. As a girl she has an uphill battle to deal with in the first place. Society places a lot of stigmas and rules on little girls. She can't be- because she's a girl. She can't like- because she's a girl. She can't say- because she's a girl. But I refuse to have her live life in that way. She CAN, do anything. Anything in this world.
I pray that my daughter grows up to be a strong, faithful and passionate person. I pray that she remembers that she is beautiful- inside and out, no matter what anyone tells her. That, the only opinion in this world that matters is the opinion of God. And that as long as she delights Him, then that's all that matters. No one else matters when it comes to that. I pray that she decides to step out of the mold. Be smart. And don't be afraid to show it. Be daring. Be courageous. I pray that she keeps herself pure until the day that she is married, that no one pressures her to do otherwise. And above all of that, I pray that she follows Him as closely as she can, and not be afraid to share her love for Him with others.
Above all of that, I pray that I can guide her the best way I know how. I pray that I continue to be strong and a great example to her. I pray that the Lord continues to give me the wisdom to be a great mother and role model- and down the road- her friend. I pray that I'm not afraid to show Micah that it's okay to be uncommon. And that she chooses to be too.
Faithfully Ever After- Kelly
Monday, June 21, 2010
They always say- evey dog has its day
And this time it was my day. I'm not calling myself a dog- but by gosh I'm glad I finally got my chance. My dad always told me- "Sometimes you are the windshield, and sometimes you are the bug". For the last couple of years, I've felt like I was the bug. Getting splattered everywhere I turned. I couldn't catch a break to save my life. It seemed that everytime I got one step ahead- I would be pushed back 3 steps. 3 big steps. Whether it was physically or emotionally. At home or at school. Money or relationships, I never felt like I was getting anywhere. But for once, in a very long time, I feel accomplished. And that's a fantastic feeling.
I am finally doing what I love to do. And I ♥ respiratory. It truly is my passion. I could spend hours learning about new things, then turning around and sharing that knowledge with others. And guess what? That's what I get to do. I am going to be spending my days giving my patients the best customer service I know how to. I am going to make sure that by the end of our time together, my patients know all about their machines or oxygen. I refuse to have my patients go home and feel like they have no idea what's going on. I could only imagine how scary that is. And all too often it is happening. But with the help of my oh so awesome bosses, we are going to change the game. We are going to be the change we want to see in the world.
God has been so awesome to my family in the last 2 years of me being in school. I'm not sure many of you understand how tough it got. I didn't work (except for temporarily over the summer). I went to school full time, and then when I got home, I studied. I felt like I never saw my family. Travis and I went through some hard times financially and relationship wise, but we never gave up hope. We never stopped believing that the good was going to come. All we had to do was be patient and work hard for it. And we did. We were patient. We prayed....a lot. We cryed. And yelled. We broke up. And got back together. We doubted. But finally...yes finally. We made it. I got a great job. We don't have to struggle as hard as before. We can now finally enjoy our blessings. Give to our babies. We made it. Yes, God we made it.
I'm so glad it was this old dogs turn for the sun to shine, I'm not sure how much more rain I was going to be able to take.
Faithfully Ever After- Kelly
I am finally doing what I love to do. And I ♥ respiratory. It truly is my passion. I could spend hours learning about new things, then turning around and sharing that knowledge with others. And guess what? That's what I get to do. I am going to be spending my days giving my patients the best customer service I know how to. I am going to make sure that by the end of our time together, my patients know all about their machines or oxygen. I refuse to have my patients go home and feel like they have no idea what's going on. I could only imagine how scary that is. And all too often it is happening. But with the help of my oh so awesome bosses, we are going to change the game. We are going to be the change we want to see in the world
God has been so awesome to my family in the last 2 years of me being in school. I'm not sure many of you understand how tough it got. I didn't work (except for temporarily over the summer). I went to school full time, and then when I got home, I studied. I felt like I never saw my family. Travis and I went through some hard times financially and relationship wise, but we never gave up hope. We never stopped believing that the good was going to come. All we had to do was be patient and work hard for it. And we did. We were patient. We prayed....a lot. We cryed. And yelled. We broke up. And got back together. We doubted. But finally...yes finally. We made it. I got a great job. We don't have to struggle as hard as before. We can now finally enjoy our blessings. Give to our babies. We made it. Yes, God we made it.
I'm so glad it was this old dogs turn for the sun to shine, I'm not sure how much more rain I was going to be able to take.
Faithfully Ever After- Kelly
Sunday, June 20, 2010
To my darling husband- Happy Father's Day
Today is Father's Day. The one day a year that we make it a point to say to the father figures in our lives, "Happy Father's Day". But ya know what? Every day in my house should be like Father's Day. Because my children have the best father in the world. And I am blessed to be married to their father. Travis is the most amazing person I know. He is funny. Smart. Caring. Loving. He's a great cook. And a great cuddler. He took Micah and I in when he didn't have too. He has always worked hard to give his family the best and I know he'll continue to do so until he can't anymore. And I need to always remember to tell him "thank you" for everything that he does. There are so many children in this world that don't have a father figure. There are so many women in this world who have to be both parents. And I am so blessed that I don't have to do it all alone and that my children have a hero they can look up to.
Thank you God for blessing me with Travis. Thank for blessing my children with the most amazing Daddy. I am so glad that he's in my life, I wouldn't know what to do without him. He's truly my hero. Thanks Travis for being amazing.
Faithfully Ever After- Kelly
Thank you God for blessing me with Travis. Thank for blessing my children with the most amazing Daddy. I am so glad that he's in my life, I wouldn't know what to do without him. He's truly my hero. Thanks Travis for being amazing.
Faithfully Ever After- Kelly
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