So last night, after making-eating-and cleaning up dinner with my 2 kiddos- Micah and Caleb (5 and 2 respectively), I decided, why not paint Micah's nails? She is very much a girly girl. Pink room. Hannah Montana. Jewelry. Dresses. She is me- in mini form. While I don't mind a romp in the mud (just don't get it in my hair!), I really love all things girl. Pink is my favorite color. I love getting my nails done. I count down the days until my next hair appointment. Makeup makes me feel complete- and it seems that I have passed that down to my princess, which just excites me to no end. Now I have someone to shop with- and go and get pedicures with. Someone to buy jewelry for and oooh and ahh over purses with. Ahhh- I've been so blessed. So truly blessed, because I have this amazing little girly girl . Painting her nails last night made me realize how truly lucky I am- that I have someone I can share so much with. Pink. Sparkly. Just like Mommy's. She just beamed from ear to ear after I got done. And hugged my neck "Thanks Mommy".

This is a big challenge for me at times. I find myself saying things that I would be horrified if my children repeated. I find myself getting angry at the people in front of me in traffic, when I could just be calm and patient. I find myself yelling when I get frustrated. That's a big one. It took a lot of soul searching and praying to realize- that the reason why my children yell so much at me- is because I do a lot of yelling! I'm telling you- God has truly smacked me over the head in the last few weeks about my behavior in front of my children. I'm not a bad parent- there are just a lot of things that I need to work on. Such as- be more involved in my church. Stop talking the talk- and actually walking the walk. Staying calm- when under pressure. Praying more- in front of my children. Reading my Bible more. Saying kinder words to people. Giving back more to my community. My children are going to do what I do- not as I say (well sometimes, they'll pick that up too!) and I want them to be productive, God fearing/loving members of society- but first I need to be that person.
Just like my Daddy- God the Father- so that I can be proud when my children say- Just like my Mommy.
Faithfully Ever After- Kelly
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