Monday, August 30, 2010

Set Apart

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart, I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5

God spoke these words to Jeremiah when he was but only a child. He gave Jeremiah the words to speak and showed Jeremiah the people to talk to. God appointed Jeremiah. God knew Jeremiah before he was even born. HOW AMAZING! How amazing that God knew us before we were even born. Before we were even formed. He knew us in and out. The number of hairs on our head. The color of our eyes. The color of our skin- and most importantly- our heart. He wanted us before we had even thought of needing Him. That's amazing to me- that He wants me, and that He's wanted me forever.

God has set us apart, just like He did Jeremiah. He has a great plan for each and every one of us. A story line. A path for us to walk. How amazing. That He cares so much for us, that He has a plan. We should live every day in just that way. Set apart. Walking, talking and living like He wants us to. We should be the one that is set apart- the one that gives when others don't want to. The one that stands when everyone else is sitting. The one that He has made us to be. Just open your heart, your eyesm your ears and your mind (and close your lips) and hear what God has to say to us. What plans He has set before us. Then buckle up and enjoy the ride- because you are His chosen one. Set apart.

Thank you Lord for setting us apart. For having a plan for each and every one of us. For forming us in your image, and wanting us as much as we need you. Thank you Lord for loving us even when we don't want to love you and being patient, much as a mother is with her child. Watch over us this week, and open our eyes, ears, and heart to hear and see You and Your plan. Amen.

Faithfully Ever After- Kelly


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